The Sacrifice AND the Victory
The turning point for all creation and the lynchpin for Christianity as a whole is the fact that Jesus did not stay dead, but that He rose from the grave! Had Jesus only died for our sins and not resurrected, that would liken Him to any other self-professing god. The victory exists only because we have a Savior who defeated death. He is the one true God and the resurrection proves it.

New Beginnings
I always thought it curious that my parents named me April when I was born in the month of October. When I asked them why
Fearless Girls
If you’ve been to New York City within the past few years perhaps you’ve seen the statue of the Fearless Girl. The statue depicts a

A Better View
Do you view God as hard to please or easy to please? There is a better view and it’s found in God’s Word.

Don’t Panic
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life’s pressures? Everyone does! But the good news is that God’s Word says that there is no need to panic.

Jesus in the Blood
Today’s Reflecting Light is written by Adrienne Bridges, who has the most beautiful heart for the Lord. She is also committed to teaching her two

The Message
If asked to explain the Christian message in a few short sentences, what would you say? Eugene Peterson changed the world with his translation of

Get Busy
There are times when I read Scripture and I feel uplifted and encouraged, and then there are times when the Holy Spirit gives me a
Getting the Hang of Things
January is always a special month for me because it is the month that my firstborn daughter, Adelene, was born. Addie is the first grandchild
Heart of Wisdom
I always like to start off the new year by asking the Lord to give me a word or phrase to focus on. This year

Be Merry & Filled with Light
How do you celebrate Christmas? The spirit of Christmas brings forth the desire to be merry and light-hearted, hence the saying, “Merry Christmas!” But Christmas

When It’s NOT the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it? Psychology Today reported that up to 45% of Americans tend to dread this festive