Shine Your Light with Compassion
Jesus said that we are to be light to the nations. What better way to shine our light than with Compassion, releasing a child from poverty in the name of Jesus.

The Best Defense
What is it that we’re putting our faith in? Christ alone is the best defense.

Embracing Change
How willing are you to embrace change in your everday life? As Christians, change can be wonderful catalyst to a new life.

Uncertain Times
Do the recent shootings have you living in a state of paranoia? These are uncertain times, but we still have reason to rejoice.

“Get To!”
Our mindset is an important part of our faith walk. When we have the motto of we “GET TO” rather than we “have to,” blessings abound!

Burning Bridges
It’s time to burn that bridge and focus on the future. Are you ready to learn how to let go of the past?

Freedom Is Not Free
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet our “Freedom Is Not Free,” nor is our spiritual freedom.

Choosing to Trust
I don’t know about you, but for me it’s hard to relinquish control. I am a firstborn child who likes everything to be in tiptop

“Gnat Funny”
How do we as Christ-followers rid our lives of the gnat-like distractions? The answer may surprise you.

Jesus Is the Answer
Jesus most certainly IS the answer, but that should not stop us studying His Word so that we can intimately know our Subject.

Budgeting for Your Blessing
Did you know that it honors God when we are wise with our money? The Bible has much to say on the topic of money

Be a Thermostat
One bright Sunday not too long ago a group of eighty-nine women returned home from an intense and beautiful spiritual retreat. We were keenly aware