It’s finally beautiful weather which brings with it the desire to want to stay outside for long periods of time. Yet with all the rain we’ve had this year, the pesky gnats have shown up in droves making it difficult to be outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Yesterday I had enough of being confined to the indoors, so I threw all caution to the wind and grabbed my laptop determined to be able to do my work outdoors. I was just getting into a good writing rhythm when the gnats started showing up. At first there’s just one or two flying around so I swat them away. But then there’s another one buzzing in my ear. I start to get frustrated and turn on the fan, but they keep multiplying and before I know it they are all over my computer screen, impeding my work altogether.
This whole episode reminds me of how as Christ-followers, sometimes we can just be going about our business on a beautiful day, but then the gnats of the world start to buzz around us, keeping us distracted from our task at hand. Before we know it we’re chasing our Facebook feed before reading our Bible. Or we’re gossiping about the boss by the water cooler when we should be speaking life into our co-workers.
It happens to all of us and it’s “gnat funny.”
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:35 to get rid of any distraction that keeps us from the Master. We do this by intentionally recognizing the distraction for what it is and taking the necessary steps to remove it from our lives, whether temporarily (such as making sure our phones are out of reach when we’re spending time in God’s Word) or permanently (such as refusing to take part in gossip).
So, the next time you feel those pesky gnats of life start to buzz around you, remember God’s solution and get rid of the distractions asap. And as for these southern gnats, Lord, we need some of Your supernatural help down here to get rid of them, please. In Jesus’ name, let it be.

Hi, April
You were here in Hot Springs Village, AR about a month ago for our Women’s Spring Retreat. We loved your message and this blog.
I wanted to tell you a way to be rid of the gnats, that I have found here in HSV. If you have an Avon lady, order the Sunscreen with Bug Guard, Gentle Breeze with an orange top. Put it on before you go outside and watch the bugs fly around your head. They don’t like the scent, but you yourself will hardly smell the scent. It works perfectly for chiggers here in HSV and other biting bugs.
Bless you and good luck sharing the Lord’s message to all.
Wonderful tip, Sandi! Thank you for your message and your encouragement. Much love to you and all the ladies in HSV.