January is always a special month for me because it is the month that my firstborn daughter, Adelene, was born. Addie is the first grandchild on both sides of our family and her entrance into this world was no small celebration. We had packed out the labor and delivery wing and everyone was instantly in love with this long-awaited blessing.
However, 48 short hours later I remember being discharged from the hospital and asking, “Am I really equipped to take this tiny human being home and care for her? Shouldn’t I stay another night or two?” The staff just smiled and patted me on the back on the way out the door. “You’ll get the hang of things,” they promised.
Well, it’s been twelve years and I’ve steadily improved in caring for our sweet Addie, but I wouldn’t describe myself as being “there” yet either. Right when I feel as if I’m killing it on the parenting charts, things get switched up and I’m back to square one trying to figure it out all over again. Not to mention everyone keeps reminding me that the teen years are right around the corner (Lord, give me strength).
Our walk with God can feel this way as well. We can be skipping along unhindered one minute and the next find ourselves in the middle of a storm. That is precisely why Paul wrote these words in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, and not by sight.”
Paul knew that there would be days that we feel as if we have no clue what we’re doing, but that’s ok. We just keep the faith and put one foot in front of the other, trusting that because we are following Him, we will be fine. Admittedly, this is not easy, especially for those of us who like to have everything planned out, but it’s in these times that our faith grows the most.
One day our faith will be complete. Only then will we be able to say with certainty that we have truly “gotten the hang of things.” Until then, we walk by faith one day at a time.

Happy 12th Birthday, Addie! I love being your mama, even if I don’t always have the hang of things. May the Lord continue to grow you into a beautiful, wise woman as you seek Him. I love you, sweet girl! ???1️⃣2️⃣
Happy Birthday, Addie!