Women on Mission

Women’s ministry is one of my greatest passions in life. I love seeing women experience the freedom that comes with giving their life to Christ and then developing their purpose as they seek to follow Him in their everyday lives. I’ve been ministering to women long enough to know that every single woman brings to the table their own unique gifts that, when used for the Kingdom, creates a banquet of blessings.  

The Book of Acts records that there were “a number of” prominent women who chose to follow Jesus after hearing the gospel message preached by Paul and Silas. These were the women who were leaders in their society, the influencers of their day. The fact that they were willing to profess their faith in Jesus as the Messiah must have turned heads. The added notation that they were not few in number (meaning that there were many of these women) must have resulted in a divinely created mission field in Thessalonica. 

We, too, have divine opportunities to use our influence to minister to others. Being a “woman on mission” starts in our home. Whether we are single or married, with or without children, our mission field begins with those that we are closest to. After all, these are the people with a bird’s eye view of our lives and we have the privilege of living out our gospel-centered life filled with love and truth in front of them.  

Our next area of mission work is to reach our local church. The apostle Paul clearly teaches in Romans 12 that we all possess spiritual gifts that should be used to build up the body of Christ. Being a part of the Serve Team, leading others in worship, rocking babies in the nursery, and teaching a Small Group or Bible Study are all examples of mission work within the church. There is such fulfillment that stems from serving others in the areas that we excel. 

Lastly, women on mission see their community as an opportunity to shine their lights for Jesus. There may be a co-worker that needs to hear about a Savior who forgives their sins. Perhaps there is an at-risk school who could use a few prominent women to love on their children.  It could even be that the Lord is calling some of His women to travel beyond their comfort zones to put Bibles in the hands of those who have never heard the name of Jesus. 

Women on mission are vital in the home, in the church, and in the community, using their influence to point others to Jesus. May it be said of our generation that there were a large number of us who were willing to be such prominent women. 

God, our prayer is that You would encourage us to use the gifts and influence that You have given us to point others to Your life-giving gospel message.

(This article was originally published in LifeWay Women’s Journey Magazine, January 2021.)

1 thought on “Women on Mission”

  1. Samalie N Gizamba

    It’s such a great work, God bless you.
    I am also in Uganda encouraging my fellow women to know God and His saving grace and abundant life in Jesus Christ his only begotten son my personal Lord and saviour.
    Also reaching more fellow women to know him. we are Women on Mission Uganda WOMU.

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