Shame Undone

Shame. It’s a small word, but it carries a power-packed punch.
What makes shame so powerful is that it is both debilitating and universal, meaning that not one of us is unaffected by its devastating effects.

Shame has destroyed marriages, orphaned children, bankrupted souls, and even taken countless lives. The shrapnel that it slings into our hearts and minds tells us that we can never be free, that our shame can never be undone. So we live hopeless, helpless lives, completely blinded by our shame.

The apostle Paul speaks of such blinding shame in 2 Corinthians 4:4 (TPT),

Their blindness keeps them from seeing the dayspring light of the wonderful news of the glory of Jesus Christ, who is the divine image of God.

How does one allow the dayspring light to enter while bound to shame? Paul says that the answer is to reject shame and turn to the truth. Jesus alone holds the power to undo our shame. No sin is too great for Him. He died for every single one of them.

When we view our shame in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, our blindness dissipates and we see it for what it is, a chain holding us in darkness. But when we come face-to-face with Jesus we encounter brilliant dawning light that comes to speak directly to our shame and remove it from our lives.

Marriages are restored. Children are adopted. Souls are invested in the knowledge of God.

His dayspring light sets us free and our shame is undone!

This Reflecting Light and others can be found in April’s new book Made to Shine: 90 Devotions to Enjoy and Reflect God’s Light. Order your copy from Amazon today! 

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