We all have a story to share that can potentially help someone else.
Each one of us have gone through various trials and if we allow the Lord to lead us through them, then most likely we can come out with a story that when told will glorify our Father in Heaven.
Imagine yourself as a sparkler. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, then He sent His fire to light your sparkler to burn brightly for Him. As you sparkle, your light is attractive to others, increasing their curiosity in what sparked the flame in you to begin with.
Yet the enemy hates the Light inside of you, so he comes with his lies of darkness. What makes you think you’re special? Why would anyone listen to your story? That person knew you at your worst; why would she believe you’re a new creation? You better just hide that light of yours and keep quiet.
But hear this, dear friend: light always dispels the darkness. It is not your job to create the light. That’s already been done by Someone far more powerful. It is your job to testify about the light and just sparkle.
The Bible describes John the Baptist in this way:
This man came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe [in Christ, the Light] through him. (John 1:7 AMP)
John knew that his job was to make the light that was inside of him visible to all so that they would believe in a power that was greater than him. As he testified [shared his story] many were attracted to the Light and believed!
We too have this same opportunity to make the Light visible in our everyday lives. Share your story. Just sparkle.

This Reflecting Light and others is published in April’s new book Made to Shine: 90 Devotions to Enjoy and Reflect God’s Light. Order your copy from Amazon today!

Thanks for sharing this April. Satan loves to steal our light that God provides in our darkest hours. God has not left our side, but has carried us through some pretty tough trials. I am hesitant to share Gods work in my life sometimes because I’m not sure if anyone will understand or if it would even matter or help someone. I also am scared it will bring back a lot of pain and fear. (Satan’s lies) I will continue to pray about this knowing God is my strength and has plans to use not just me, but everyone that believes.
Thank you for your comment, Tammy! I’ll be praying for you as well. You’re exactly right…Satan would love nothing more than to keep us from sharing our story with others because he knows the FREEDOM that accompanies it. Just sparkle, my friend, and He will do the rest!