Top 10 Lessons Learned From Southern Snow Days

We hardly ever see snow here in the deep south. But this week it actually did snow and our kids have been out of school for three days now. Here are some lessons learned during all this time of togetherness:

Lesson 1: Snow angels made in icy slush do not have the same effect as those made in powder snow.


Lesson 2: A game of Chutes and Ladders can literally last for hours. Who knew getting that little person to the top of the board could be so hard? It’s those darn double slides at 48 & 49 that get you every time.

Lesson 3: A good cup of hot chocolate will cost you 300 calories. Seriously.


Lesson 4: Full all-out wrestling matches ensue over what to watch on Netflix. One kid wants to watch Clifford Puppy Days while the other wants Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse. You hear yourself saying, “Oh, I’m sorry that the two of you can’t get in agreement on what to watch. Well, Mommy will settle it for you and Friday Night Lights it is. Y’all run upstairs now.”

Lesson 5: Somewhere in the hours of Snow Day 2 the line becomes blurred between acceptable household chores for your kids and what constitutes as child labor.


Lesson 6: You think that your complexion has never looked better due to the fact that you haven’t worn a stitch of makeup for three days. However, you begin to rethink your decision to go au natural for so long when you catch a glimpse of yourself while Facetiming with friends. Hopefully they won’t have too bad of nightmares the rest of this week after seeing that frightening sight.


Lesson 7: You break out into a cold sweat whenever you hear your home phone ringing knowing that it is either your children’s school telling you that they will be closed again tomorrow and they thank you for your patience OR it is the power company calling to say that a power outage could occur at any time. Having the kids out of school another day would certainly be challenging, but living without an internet connection would completely push you over the edge.

Lesson 8: You begin to bargain with God telling Him that you will never again complain about the 100 degree heat in the south if He will just clear up the roads and let you get out of this house to make a Starbucks run.IMG_6085

Lesson 9: You know that you’ve served soup one too many times when your husband graciously offers to brave the roads to get some take-out after you inform him that soup will once again be served for dinner.

Lesson 10: Even though ice and snow really aren’t your thing, you have secretly enjoyed the time to slow down and take in the beauty of it all.


Praise the Lord from the earth…

         lightning and hail, snow and mist,

and stormy winds that obey him…

         kings of the earth and all nations,

princes and all rulers of the earth,

         young men and women,

old people and children.

Praise the Lord,

because he alone is great.

He is more wonderful than heaven and earth. 

Psalm 148


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