A Lifetime of Righteousness: Lessons Learned from Brother Jerry
My spiritual father, Jerry Linhares, was a man of great wisdom. He taught me many lessons, but most importantly, he taught me how to love God and love others.
My spiritual father, Jerry Linhares, was a man of great wisdom. He taught me many lessons, but most importantly, he taught me how to love God and love others.
Do the recent shootings have you living in a state of paranoia? These are uncertain times, but we still have reason to rejoice.
Sometimes you’re walking through life and it all makes total sense. A fall breeze is blowing and you’ve got your windows down and your favorite song is blasting on max volume. And then there are times when absolutely nothing makes sense. You were minding your own business, but suddenly your legs were kicked out from …
My mother always told my siblings and me that we better watch what we say to one another because “words are spirits.” She said it so often that I grew up believing that this exact phrase could be found word-for-word in the Bible and I was shocked when it produced no search results. Yet the …
Thank you, Donald Trump, for reminding us that “Words Are Spirits” Read More »
Sometimes life is incredibly hard and there’s no getting around it. There are times when you go to bed with a broken heart, certain that the earth has quit spinning, only to wake up the next morning and find that it had the audacity to keep going even though your world has stopped. Have you …
When The Earth Keeps Spinning, But Your World Has Stopped Read More »