On a scale of one to ten, how worthy do you feel at the moment? How deserving are you of love, attention, responsibility, or respect? Do you deem yourself to be “good enough” or “not good enough” and why?
Worthiness is a concept that all of us struggle with from time to time, even if we are walking in the light. We desperately want to be found worthy, but insecurities come calling and knock us off course.
Moses shared in the struggle to be found worthy even as God was speaking directly to him from a burning bush. When God told him to go to Egypt so that he could lead God’s children out of slavery, Moses’s response was, “Who am I?” Moses let his insecurity dictate his worthiness to get the job done.
But God reminds Moses that it’s not who Moses is but who HE IS that makes Moses worthy of such a task. God said to Moses “I AM WHO I AM,” so you don’t have be “good enough” or even try to figure it all out. Just go and He’ll take care of the rest.
Have you and God ever had a similar conversation? “Who am I, Lord, to lead a small group?” “Who am I to sing on the worship team?” “Who am I to go on that mission trip?” And He says to you, “The question isn’t who you are; the answer is who I AM!”
When we stop trying to make ourselves worthy, then we find that we actually are worthy because of who God is! He places His light inside of us and equips us for the job that He is calling us to do. We don’t have to be “good enough” when He is better than enough! We are deserving of a higher calling not on our own merit, but because He alone is worthy.

This Reflecting Light and others is published in April’s new book Made to Shine: 90 Devotions to Enjoy and Reflect God’s Light. Order your copy from Amazon today!
It took me a few days to finally read this. God knew I needed to hear this. I am beginning to get down after Covid, and a hurrica Bne. I am a teacher and things are so different. These words have picked me up! Thanks.